Social media is a blessing until it isn’t. It’s a great way to connect with people that you haven’t talked to in years. We’ve all reconnected with friends from high school and college through Facebook. A few weeks ago, I got together with a friend from elementary school. It wouldn’t have happened if not for social media. It’s also a good tool to help get the word out and allow people to rally around a cause.

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Then there’s the downside. You know the one where we see someone else’s posts and think they have the perfect life. We assume their life is so much better than our own. We look at posts and think that mom has it all together. Her kids are always perfectly put together. She and her husband always make time for each other. Look how nice their home is! If you see that and you decide to try and keep up with that, it will drive you crazy. It’s a clear sign that you need a break from social media.
Here’s the good news. No one is that perfect. Those snapshots are just that – shots of a moment. In reality, that mom probably had to beg her kids to stand together and keep those clothes clean for that picture. The wisdom she shares sounds like she’s on top of it all – well, that wisdom has been hard-earned. It’s easy to think that motherhood is supposed to look a certain way. If we’ve learned nothing else from motherhood, we’ve learned that you have to decide for yourself what motherhood will look like for you.
The other good news is that you’ll see more moms tell their motherhood truth. Sometimes it’s exhausting. There are many times you just need a breather. It’s so important that we learn to recognize when it’s time for us to take a break. The signs show up and I know we need to take action. The goal is to get to the point where you don’t need those nudges to know Mama needs a time-out!
How to know you need a break
You’re snappy – The smallest things are getting on your nerves. Things that would normally just roll off your back are now tap dancing on your last nerve.
You’re exhausted – You do all. the. things. Some days, you’re fully engaged and all in. You’re running on all cylinders. Other times all of the things just make you feel like you want to take a nap. The routine is getting to you and you need to hit the reset on it all.
Everything seems overwhelming – Going to the park, doing laundry, cooking dinner just seems like doing too much. Everywhere you turn there’s something that needs to be done and it all seems to have your name on it.
Being snappy – I try to remember that the load I’m carrying is by choice. So instead of snapping at other people, I need to remember that doing my best is enough. It’s OK if a ball drops here and there when the most important things are taken care of. It reminds me and the people around me that I’m human. I can only offer my best. That will have to do.
Being exhausted – Speaking up and saying, “I’m exhausted” is a helpful step. Most times you have to say it for other people to recognize it. So when I say I’m going to lay it down for a bit, or I’m headed out for some me time, it’s not a shock to anybody.
Being overwhelmed – It’s so easy to get to that point. I’m a wife, a mom, a writer, and a bunch of other things. I’ve learned to ask for help. When I got married, I entered a partnership. I don’t do my husband any favors when I try to carry the world on my shoulders. He starts to think that I’m good and I can handle it all because I seem to be doing it. The thing is, just because you can handle a lot doesn’t mean you have to. Being superwoman 24/7 takes its toll. Speaking up about where I could use help makes all the difference.
I wanna know, what are the signs for you that you need a time out?